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4.2 Components Required

1. Chassis:-  Chassis is a supporting frame or structure of any vehicle (car).It can also be known as a frame which bears all the stresses of the vehicle.Here,we will use chassis as a part of a car which will support the car and bear all the weights.

2. BO MOTOR x 4 :- 

“A motor is a machine that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.” BO (Battery Operated) light weight DC geared motor which gives good torque and rpm at lower voltages. This motor can run at approximately 150 RPM when driven by a single Li-Ion cell. In another word, the electrical energy is a “battery” and the mechanical energy is the “rotation.” 

3. Jumper Wires :- Jumper are the connecting wires with the connector at each end used to connect different components on breadboard or any other testing boards.

4. Motor clips or holder and Screws & Nuts: 

These are used to attach the motors on the chassis.

5. Arduino UNO:

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs – light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message – and turn it into an output – activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. Arduino works like a CPU(Central processing unit), it is a brain of the whole projects.

6. Motor driver: 

Motor driver is an interface between motor and the control circuit.Motor works on high amount of current but the controller circuit works on low amount of current.So, for this Motor driver are used,they take a low current signal and convert it into high current signals to drive the motors. The L298N is a dual H-Bridge motor driver which allows speed and direction control of two DC motors at the same time. The module can drive DC motors that have voltages between 5 and 35V.

Pin Configuration of Motor driver module:

7. LDR Sensor Module:

A  light dependent resistor (LDR) also called as photoresistor or photo-conductor is basically a photo cell which works on the principle of conductivity.It is used to detect the levels of lights.For example automatic street light, when the light intensity increases ,the resistance decreases and when their is low light level at that moment the Resistance of a LDR increases and small amount of current flow through it.In LDR, resistor is the passive component whose resistance decreases when the intensity of light is decreases and this optoelectronic device is used in the light varying circuit & light and dark switching circuits.

Pin Configuration of LDR sensor Module: