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Get Started with Scratch

What is Scratch?

Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the MIT Media Lab.

Scratch is a basic coding language that uses ‘building block’ style coding to create animated stories, interactive games, simulations, and beautiful artwork. In using Scratch, learners will be introduced to basic coding concepts and develop their computational thinking skills while bringing their own ideas to life. In this series, the basics of Scratch will be introduced to provide learners with the foundational skills required to begin creating in Scratch. 

Scratch makes it easy for learners who are just starting out by organizing the types of code you can use into categories, the code blocks are grouped by the following categories: Motion, Looks, Sound, Events, Controls, Sensing, Operators, Variables and My Blocks. These code blocks can be pieced together in the Code Area like placing jigsaw puzzle pieces together. Students can easily test their code and debug problems with their code by having the Code Area and the Stage both visible at the same time.

To access the Scratch 3.0 editor, is available for free to download at https://scratch.mit.edu. One can also work on online editor. Go to this website and this will open a page as shown.

To create an account, Go to the Sign In tab. This will open a Join Scratch page then fill every detail as mentioned and click on Next, this will create an account on Scratch website.

The main benefit of having an account is that any Scratch program you create are automatically saved in your account. After signing up just login to your account.

To start programming, click on create and this will lead to editor page of Scratch.

First Look at Scratch: