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5.1 Introduction

In this module, we will learn to make Bluetooth controlled car.

In this project,we will make a Bluetooth controlled car using Arduino, HC-05 Bluetooth Module and L298N Motor Driver Module and for the Bluetooth Communication, we will be using a Smart Phone and a Android App to control the Robotic Car. To make this car first we need to understand what is Bluetooth? 

Basically, Bluetooth is a hardware component that provides a wireless product to work with the computer; or other things.Bluetooth Module is designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup. Its communication is via serial communication which makes an easy way to interface with controller or PC.

In this project,Bluetooth is used to provide communication between Arduino and Android phone.Also,Bluetooth controlled car is controlled by using Android mobile phone. Here ,android phone is used as transmitting device and Bluetooth module placed in car is used as receiver.