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Activity- Create a Variable

In this lesson, Arun and Raj will be discussing how to create your own variable and control it.

Arun- Let’s start. To create a new variable, click on the make a variable tab in the variable menu.

Raj-  A make a variable dialogue box appears.

Arun- Write the name of your variable.

Raj- I will write as score.

Arun- Click on OK. You will see your variable appears at the variable menu.

Raj- What these blocks do?

Arun- To show your variable on the screen, tick the check box in front of   block. Or you can use another block to show your score.

Raj- Which block?

Arun-  block, this will show the score without ticking the check-box.

Raj- How?

Arun- Drag out this block in the starfish scripting area, select your variable  from the drop-down list.

Raj- On clicking, the starfish’s score appears in the screen.

Arun- Similarly again to hide this use  block, select your variable  from drop-down list. Click on it.

Raj- Starfish’s score removed again.

Arun- Correct! Now move further to  block.

Raj- What is the use of this block?

Arun- let’s see by dragging out this block in scripting area of starfish, select your variable  from drop-down list. Click on it.

Raj- The value is set to the particular value given.

Arun- To gradually increase the score use  block, select your variable  from drop-down list. Click on it.

Raj- Every time I click, the score increased by given value.

Arun- To understand more properly, Let’s create a game.

Raj- which game?

Arun- Drag out these blocks and snap it together. Copy the code in both the sprites.

Raj- The score is at 0.

Arun- Yes now click on the green flag.

Raj- Whenever the sprites are touching each other, the value of is score increasing.

Arun- These are the Variable blocks; every variable you create will has these four controlling blocks.

There are also some lists blocks which we will be discussing next.